Middle School Math 6/7

From: $92.00 / month for 8 months

Grades:  6th–7th

Class:  Tue and Thu 2:00–3:00 pm ET

Dates:  Aug 25, 2025–May 8, 2026

Prepaid:  $649

Instructor: Karen McCloskey


See Reviews of Instructor Karen McCloskey

Enrollment in this class is currently closed.

Course Description

Why our students succeed with Chicago and Delta Math

The Math 6/7 course will strengthen basic math skills needed as a strong foundation for higher math classes. Students will extend their previous understandings of numbers and operations to the full system of rational numbers, which includes a deepening focus on fractions and decimals. Topics such as place values, estimating, number properties, order of operations, exponents and scientific notation will be studied and practiced. Rates, unit rates and ratios are explored, along with an introduction to percents. Fluency to compute with multi-digital numbers is increased.

Students will develop an understanding of the use of variables in mathematical expressions from writing expressions and equations that correspond to given situations and by using formulas to solve problems. Students will understand that expressions in different forms can be equivalent, as they use the properties of operations to rewrite expressions in simplified forms. The emphasis is placed on using these methods to solve real world problems.

Students will build on their work with geometric concepts in elementary level classes by calculating perimeter, area, surface area and volume of various polygonal shapes. In addition, they will develop mastery of graphing numbers on the coordinate plane. While building on and reinforcing their understanding of numbers, students will begin to develop their ability to think statistically. Organizing and interpreting data in graphs and charts will be studied and they will learn to summarize and describe distribution of data using measures of center.

Course Structure

This course has two live 60-minute class sessions per week for review, instruction, practice, and discussion of homework problems/concepts that need further clarification. An important part of this course is seeing, interacting with, and learning from each other. Video recordings of classes will be available for students who must miss a class or want to re-watch a lesson. Students should expect to spend 2 – 4 hours per week on homework assignments.

Who should enroll?

This course is for students in grades 6-7 who have successfully completed a Grade 5 level math course.

Technology Requirements

  • High-speed, broadband Internet
  • Webcam, sound card, and microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
  • Scanner or smartphone for submitting tests and homework
  • An account with Delta Math (DeltaMath) – instructions for registering will be emailed before classes begin

Evaluation and Feedback

Students are expected to attend the live class sessions, and participation and questions are welcomed! Outside of class times, students may contact the teacher using Canvas messages. Students will be graded on homework, projects, quizzes, and tests.


Parents are encouraged to monitor grades in Canvas and may contact me through Canvas message any time. It is important to have clear communication so parents and teachers can work together to provide the best learning experience for the student.

Required Texts

This course requires 2 1-semester workbooks listed below:

  1. Glencoe Math Course 1 Student Edition Volume 1 ISBN-10: 0076605531 or ISBN – 13: 978 – 0076605538
  2. Glencoe Math Course 1 Student Edition Volume 2 ISBN – 10: 0076709302 or ISBN – 13: 9780076709304


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