High School Beginning Drawing

From: $90.00 / month for 5 months

Grades: 9th–12th

Class: Mon 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET

Dates (1st Sem): Aug 26–Dec 20, 2024

Dates (2nd Sem): Jan 13–May 9, 2025

Prepaid: $649 (full-year) or $399 (per semester)

Instructor: Charles Baughman

See Reviews of Instructor Charles Baughman

Enrollment in this class is currently closed.

Course Description

This live, year-long, online beginner visual arts course is suited for high school students in grades 9–12 of all art backgrounds interested in an art credit or just wishing to learn to draw. Art instructor Charles Baughman will use the patented Monart Drawing Method to guide beginner artists through the rudimentary skills of drawing to better prepare them for future art education courses. This course is also offered as two one-semester courses, High School Beginning Drawing 1st semester and High School Beginning Drawing 2nd semester.

There is a misconception that only people with natural artistic talents can draw well. However, drawing is actually a skill that can be taught as students learn to control and manipulate lines in the same way they learned to write letters. This step-by-step series of mini-courses aims to help students look at the world around them as forms created by lines and shapes and to then help them learn to draw in that way. This course is highly recommended for students who wish to learn the basics of both observation and imaginative drawing, either for fun or to prepare/improve for further art education classes.

During class, students will draw along with the instructor to create their images with direct, step-by-step instruction. Students will learn to use a variety of lines and how to break down subject matter into shapes in order to create both realistic and sometimes imaginative images. While there is little outside homework for these classes, students are encouraged to keep a sketchbook to practice their weekly skills. They are required to submit their completed drawings each week after class to receive individualized feedback and a passing grade.

The themes and focus for this course are as follows:

  • First Semester
    • Theme: Realistic Drawing for the Beginner
    • Focus: Draw realistic creatures from the animal kingdom, find lines and shapes in nature, practice mark making, and learn the value scale to render three-dimensional animals and the environment.
    • All new lessons!
  • Second Semester:
    • Theme: Drawing for the Beginner 2
    • Focus: Faces, People, Perspective, and Landscape. Learn to draw cartoon and realistic faces and hair, match skin tones, and practice gestural drawing and proportions with a maquette. Learn one-point perspective, continue work with the value scale to create three-dimensional buildings and landscapes.
    • All new lessons!

Aside from simply learning foundational drawing skills, this course will also improve skills in the following areas:

  • fine motor skills
  • spatial reasoning
  • objectivity
  • visualization
  • self-discipline
  • creative problem-solving

My teaching style is energetic, enthusiastic, and tailored to each group of students in my class. I keep my class atmosphere positive and encouraging—a place where all feel welcome and valued, with a focus on the joy and wonder of creating and creation, and where all artworks discussed will be kept rated PG and family-friendly.

All critiques, whether given by teacher or classmates with a rubric, will be crafted to produce insightful, helpful and, wherever possible, positive statements meant to encourage and deepen the understanding and success of the student artist. Feedback to all students will be done in positivity, kindness, and encouragement with a focus on the art concepts being studied over talent or skill level.

Course Structure

Live meetings via Zoom will occur every week on Mondays at 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET.

Because of the step-by-step nature of this course, regular attendance is highly encouraged for direct instruction, personal artistic guidance, class community, and to ensure understanding. However, meetings will be recorded for students who are unable to attend live lessons. The recorded version of each class will be posted on Canvas within a few days. This course emphasizes that art is for all and values the heart of homeschooling where flexibility is a top priority.

Weekly in-class assignments may include:

  • A weekly 60-minute live meeting
  • Interactive discussion of concepts, artworks, artists, and art history
  • Art journal/sketchbook prompts
  • Preliminary sketches
  • In-class practice of skills being learned and mastered
  • Student involvement in learning process
  • Use of elements and principles of design related to composition
  • Mastering of techniques of media and use of tools

Who should enroll?

Students in 9th-12th grade who wish to learn or refine beginning drawing skills can enroll. No previous art requirements are necessary.

Technology Requirements

  • High speed, broadband Internet
  • Sound card and working microphone (for live sessions)
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures
  • Digital camera (can be phone with camera), or other means to photograph, scan, and upload student artwork

Evaluation and Feedback

Completed artwork should be submitted weekly through our Canvas classroom website to receive a grade. I will provide detailed feedback/guidance/encouragement on all submitted artwork, focusing on understanding and demonstration of the concept versus artistic skill/natural talent, with the goal being to improve skills at the individual level. Students who submit their work receive all critiques well before the next live art class so that they may steadily develop and grow in their artistic abilities while improving their work and developing their own artistic style with each assignment. They may submit weekly sketchbook prompts for feedback each week as well.


I will confirm registration with parents and provide a welcome email with clear details and video instructions on how to navigate this course. All parents are welcome to join us in Canvas as observers, and I will respond to all parents’ and student questions within 24 hours via email or Canvas message. I prefer communication through Canvas on our course website.

Required Texts

There are no required texts for this class.

Art supplies must be purchased by the first class; all supplies can be found at Walmart, Target or Amazon. Note: You can order Art Boxes containing all required materials (see printable list below) that are shipped directly to you by contacting Carlos Ortiz-Gallo cogallo@artistcraftsman.com (855) 647-5454 (Toll Free), (816) 221-5454 (Phone), 229 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108 www.artistcraftsman.com

Your child must have (printable list):

  • Plastic ruler, inexpensive is fine, quantity: one
  • Maquette, 8 inch, quantity: one (similar to this: 8 inch Artist Wooden Manikin)
  • Sharpies, black, fine point, quantity: two
  • Lyra brand 9B liquid graphite stick, quantity: one
  • Prang pan watercolors, quantity: one
  • Crayola white taklon paintbrush sets, quantity: one
  • Crayola Crayons, 48 count, quantity: one
  • Rock Crayons, 32 count, quantity: one (the ones in bags are only $16.88 on Amazon)
  • Jack Richeson texture rubbing plates, six pack, quantity: one
  • Graphite pencils: 2B, 4B, 6B, Quantity: one each
  • Pencil sharpener, quantity: one
  • Kneadable eraser, quantity: one
  • White eraser, quantity: one
  • 80 lb. white drawing paper, minimum of 30 sheets (50 would be better) quantity: one
  • Watercolor crayons, 12 count, Sargent brand, quantity: one
  • Crayola colored pencils, 50 count, quantity: one
  • Crayola Oil pastels, 28 count, quantity: one
  • Chalk pastels, 12 count is fine, quantity: one
  • Uniball black waterproof pens, .7 rollerball, quantity: two
  • Crayola markers, Super Tips 50 count, quantity: one


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Instructor Bio

Charles Baughman

Charles Baughman knew since childhood he was an artist.  His family always supported his endeavors and in 2004 he and his wife, Kate Pepper, made dreams come true when they opened their own studio, the Monart School of Art and The Art Park Enrichment Campus.  Charles is a contemporary, abstract expressionist painter, whose work is shown in several galleries internationally.  He received his bachelor’s degree in Studio Arts and Art History from Kearney State College in Kearney, Nebraska and his Master of Fine Arts in Painting/Sculpture from Wichita State University. Contact: theartparkwichita[at]aimacademy.online (more…)

All classes taught by Charles Baughman