Aim Academy Online

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Charter/ESA Students

If you are enrolled in a California or Alaska charter school, we can work directly with your charter to collect payment. We are also an approved vendor in many states with Educational Spending Accounts (ESA) for families.

Charter school/ESA families must agree to abide by the same refund/withdrawal policy as all other students.


Confirm that Aim Academy Online is an approved vendor. If not, request that we be added to the list. Use as our contact email.


Submit a requisition form for Aim Academy Online classes to your educational specialist or ESA administrator. Please submit the correct price for your classes. (The prices per class on our website are for prepaid orders. If we must invoice to receive payment, we use the payment plan pricing.)


Purchase orders must be correct before the student is given access to his or her classes.


Provide AAO with a list of classes you are requisitioning. Use this form: AAO REGISTRATION FORM. We mark your registration for these classes as pending.


Pay AAO’s registration fees. To guarantee your child a seat in the class, you must pay the nonrefundable $34 registration fee and $36 tech fee. Pay REGISTRATION FEES here. Paying these fees guarantees your student a seat. If your charter covers these fees, we issue a refund when the P.O. is received.

If you do not pay the fees now, we will enroll your student once we receive a purchase order from your charter school or confirmation from your ESA. Any fees not covered by the charter must be paid by the parent before class begins.

P.O.s with funding for at least first semester must be received by August 23, 2024. Seats will be released to the waitlist after that date.