Aim Academy Online

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Vicki Dincher

Vicki is the Director of Student Services for Aim Academy Online and a member of the leadership team. Vicki holds a masters of science in biology. She is a former high school and college science teacher. Together with her husband, Jerry, they home educated their four, now adult, children. During their homeschooling years, Vicki taught science courses—including life science, physical sci­ence, biology, AP biology, chemistry, physics, AP physics, and anatomy and physiology—to home educated students in co-ops and online. Contact: registrar[at]aimacademy.online

Vicki Dincher is the author of the 3rd editions of Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physical Science and Exploring Creation with Biology. She also created the student notebooks for Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Marine Biology, and Advanced Biology. She has been involved in Encore! Home School Productions, a nonprofit educational organization for homeschooled students, for 20 years.