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Bonnie Gonzalez Reviews

Student (Intro to Psychology & Neuroscience) – May 8, 2024

Ms. Gonzalez knows her subject matter very, very well and conveys it flawlessly. Her lessons are full of great information that will help students for the rest of their lives. She is passionate about the classes. (I took Intro to Psychology and also Neuroscience I and II and highly recommend all these courses.) Very fair grading, too.

Student (Neuroscience) – May 8, 2024

I have been a part of Mrs. G’s classes for a while now, and I was so glad to see that she created this Neuroscience class. I’ve been interested in neuroscience for a while now but one thing I found difficult was that I simply hadn’t found a way from progressing from those “for the public” books to research papers. In this class, I found a way. Neuroscience with Mrs. G opened up countless avenues into neuroscientific research (you should see my research paper “to read” folder). It also helped my research skills immensely through the various projects we did. This class isn’t hard in the traditional sense, but it is incredibly informative, interesting, and fun which, in my opinion, is a testament to Mrs. G’s teaching abilities. If you can cover the amount of material we did and maintain all three of those points, you’re an awesome teacher. I highly recommend this course and I know any other student would love it too. Thank you Mrs. G!

Student (Intro to Psychology) – April 18, 2023

Mrs Gonzalez is a wonderful teacher. She is very knowledgeable in and passionate about psychology, and that helped me to be excited about learning. She provided great material and lectures that clearly communicated the information. I have learned a lot more in-depth and interesting things than I thought I would coming into this class. I was interested in psychology before, and now I am more excited about it. This class gives a great base-line foundation of knowledge for a ton of topics under the umbrella of psychology. It gives a good understanding of certain behaviors, disorders, and tendencies we have as humans that are very beneficial to know about. By this I primarily mean certain unhelpful/unhealthy tendencies we have in the way we interact with others so that we can avoid them. Also, this class helps people interested in this topic decide if its something they want to pursue further.

Parent (Intro to Psychology) – April 17, 2023

My son has enjoyed the content of the class and found it to be very interesting. He says the pace of this class is a huge benefit to him because he has ample time to complete assignments and they aren’t too daunting. He really enjoyed when they covered the material on conditioning.

Parent (Intro to Psychology) – September 26, 2022

Mrs. Gonzalez is an excellent communicator, keeping parents well informed and her students engaged.

Student (Intro to Psychology) – September 22, 2022

[This class has] a more laid back approach compared to other classes I’ve taken through other programs, focusing more on just learning the material than test performance.

Parent (Intro to Psychology) – September 21, 2022

My daughter said and I quote “I usually don’t like attending online classes, but I like Mrs. Gonzalez’s classes, she does a good job.” This class has great organization, weekly deadlines (vital for a procrastinating student!); and focuses on useful/growth psychology.

Student (Intro to Psychology) – April 4, 2022

I found that the class I most talked about this year with my family was psychology. I loved telling them all the things I learned! Mrs. G is very engaging and always puts a smile on my face. Also, the way she gives us videos, lectures, a textbook, and assignments as well as two classes a week ensures I get a well-rounded look at each module or subject.

Parent (Intro to Psychology) – April 1, 2022

Ms. Gonzalez does an amazing job teaching psychology in a relevant, engaging way. My son has learned so much and is interested in pursuing psychology as a major in college now. She is extremely supportive, student-centered, and positive, and seems very invested in the students’ success.

Parent (Secrets of Success: Self-Control, Gratitude, and a Growth Mindset) – April 1, 2022

Mrs. Gonzalez does a marvelous job introducing students to concepts which are immediately relevant to their personal and academic lives in the areas of self-control, gratitude, and grit. She provides tips and assignments to complement the student’s skills. Her humor, analogies, and examples help to create concrete connections to both academics and personal growth. The inclusion of the parent(s) in this course was the strongest component for us because doing the work on “self” and self reflection for both a parent and student made for building stronger relationships (we are in the same boat together) and deep conversations.

Student (Secrets of Success: Self-Control, Gratitude, and a Growth Mindset) – March 30, 2022

The information that I learned was very practical and applicable- I learned a lot of concrete reasons why gratitude is important and the factors in self control. The class was very engaging, partly because several forms of media were used to explain the material (videos, articles, live class) and also because Mrs. Gonzales’ own interest in the subject helped me become more interested!

A.S. (Student in Sociology and Social Psychology) – July 9, 2021
Thank you for a most excellent and invaluable class. Truly. There are a couple of things I wish every person could be exposed to and learn in school – this is one of them. Everything was organized and presented very well; and, obviously, your ability to communicate the material is exceptional…I thought the whole class was excellent. Anyway, this is just to say how much I, both as a parent and personally, appreciated the class and all you did to make it happen. Thank you.

A.C. (Student in Introduction to Psychology) – May 1, 2020
This was my second class with Mrs. G. – I had taken her AP Psychology class through Pennsylvania Homeschoolers the year before. This class was obviously a little less intense than that one, but it was still really fun and I leaned a ton. The course setup is very similar to AP Psych – textbook reading, reading on the website, videos, and a mix of assignments and tests with multiple choice and free response questions. One of the options for the final was to read a book on some aspect of sociology and write a paper about the topic it was about, and that was definitely my favorite assignment of the year. This was one of the few classes I took last year that wasn’t AP or dual enrollment, and it was a great break from those more difficult/stressful classes. It wasn’t terribly difficult, but I still felt I learned the material well, the subject was fascinating (and Mrs. G. taught it really well), and I highly recommend this class.
The honors psychology course taught by Mrs. Gonzalez has been absolutely wonderful! J. learned so much as evidenced by talking about a lecture or video presented to him. It completely exceeded our expectations. My son loved the class. He was so engrossed with the lecture and material presented to him throughout the year. The class is presented by Mrs. Gonzalez in such a way that the student is eager to engage, inquire, and collaborate. Mrs. Gonzalez is clearly passionate about her work and her experience really translates into the projects and assignments given to the child.  J. learned so much this year and wants to take more courses such as this. I thank Mrs. Gonzalez for her commitment and passion to teaching!
J.C. (Student in Introduction to Psychology) – May 1, 2020
The class was awesome. Mrs. G was so kind and presented the material in such an informative and interesting way with projects that reinforced the learning. It was challenging but so much fun and I looked forward to completing the assignments and projects!
C.D. (Parent in Conquering Procrastination) — March 10, 2020 “Thanks again for another awesome class, Bonnie. I tried to put the recorded lectures up on our TV via Apple TV but that didn’t seem to work. My husband, girls and I enjoy noticing when the fun monkey is leading the way and the emergence of the panic monster.  Many thanks for all you offer to us.….Christie”
K. R. (Student in Introduction to Psychology) — December 21st, 2018
“Mrs. Gonzales is an excellent psychology teacher. She clearly explains concepts in a way that makes intuitive sense. She is an engaging lecturer that compares approaches in psychology in a way that clearly shows the different ways in which the human mind is viewed. The format of the class worked well with my schedule while still being rigorous enough to make it possible for me get Intro to Psychology college credit through the CLEP psychology exam with very little extra study. Moreover, the CLEP exam proctor commented that my score was the highest CLEP psychology exam that she had ever seen–a testament to Mrs. Gonzales’ teaching skills.”
J.S. (Parent from Introduction to Psychology) — December 20th, 2018
“The course has increased my daughter’s interest in Psychology. It’s hard not to get caught up in Mrs. G. enthusiasm. I find myself listening to some of the lectures too.”
Parent (Secrets of Success: GRIT) – December 20, 2018
“When my oldest son shared that Bonnie Gonzalez’s course on GRIT had inspired him to get organized, I picked up the book myself. Next our family began listening to it as an audiobook. Then Bonnie offered a second course which taught about Growth Mindset. This time both my boys signed up and my middle school and elementary-aged girls enjoyed listening from time to time and reading the handouts too. Since then, the word “yet” has become an addendum to the end of sentences when someone is feeling doubtful of achieving a goal.
Bonnie presents new material in a logical order with an enthusiastic style that encourages students of varying ages to participate. Additional links reinforce what she teaches and further assist students as they cement their understanding of new concepts. Try a course with your student(s)- you will be glad you did as you all learn concrete steps to shift your thinking to adopt a more positive lifestyle — and one where goals can become achievable with confidence.”

B. G. (Parent from Secrets of Success: GRIT) – February 28, 2018

Thank you for a most excellent and invaluable class. Truly. There are a couple of things I wish every person could be exposed to and learn in school – this is one of them. Everything was organized and presented very well; and, obviously, your ability to communicate the material is exceptional…I thought the whole class was excellent. Anyway, this is just to say how much I, both as a parent and personally, appreciated the class and all you did to make it happen. Thank you. -B.G.